A taste of South Asia

Try some of our favourite gloji recipes to help you cook traditional South Asian dishes in a healthier way.

To celebrate South Asian Heritage Month, we’re sharing some of our favourite gloji recipes to help you cook traditional dishes in a healthier way.

Lentils, vegetables, and oily fish are staples of a traditional South Asian diet. These foods are generally healthy, containing high levels of fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals, and are also beneficial to your heart health. But traditionally, many foods are fried and adding too much fat, such as ghee and butter, and salt to your meals can make them less healthy. Did you know that there is 10g of saturated fat in just one tablespoon of ghee?

In the UK, heart disease is particularly common among South Asians, including Indians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis and Sri Lankans. Making small changes towards a healthy balanced diet, as well as keeping physically active and maintaining a healthy weight, can help lower your risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Eating healthy does not mean cutting out all your favourite foods. Small changes in the ingredients you use, as well as how they are cooked and prepared, can make a big difference. Based on popular South Asian dishes, our gloji recipes reduce fat, saturated fat, salt, and sugar while adding flavour with herbs, spices, and chilli, allowing you to make delicious healthy meals.


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