Your first stop smoking appointment

Curious about what happens during your first stop smoking appointment?

What to expect from your smoking cessation treatment

A phone call at the agreed time

Our team will get in touch with you within 2 working days after you phone us or complete our online referral form. We’ll book you in for a telephone or face-to-face appointment with your Stop Smoking Advisor at an agreed date and time slot.

Conversation around motivation & non-judgemental specialist support

Our advisors are non-judgemental and will have a conversation with you about your motivation to quit. We understand that everyone is different, and our advisors will work out how best to fully support you throughout your quit attempt. This conversation may also include asking how confident are you feeling in your ability to quit.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

Our specialist stop smoking practitioners will guide you through the various NRT options to ensure you find the right fit, whether it be e-cigarettes, patches, gum, lozenges, inhalators, nasal sprays, or mouth sprays. We’ll even have it delivered right to your doorstep or prescription sent to your GP surgery.

Don’t worry if this seems confusing, our specialist stop smoking practitioners will run through these options with you, including any possible side effects to consider and whether you have a preference of treatment.

Setting a Quit Date

Setting a quit date can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Depending on what has been agreed for NRT, an appropriate quit date will be discussed in detail with your Stop Smoking Advisor. Most importantly, we want you to feel comfortable with the quit process.

Our service is free for Surrey residents. With our specialist behavioural and medicinal support, you’re in capable hands. In fact, statistically, you’re 3 times more likely to quit using our service!


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