Meet Roberto: Stop smoking success story

Hear from Roberto who successfully quit smoking with our support

We’ve helped over 2900 people quit smoking since we started back in April 2019! Stopping smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health. Stopping smoking lets you breathe more easily and gives you more energy to enjoy the activities you love! Read on to hear from Roberto and how he is feeling the benefits of being smokefree.

Hear from Roberto:

How do you feel now you’ve completed our programme?

INCREDIBLE! Noticeably healthier and now I have some extra cash.

How has your health improved since quitting smoking?

I am able to run longer and faster. Although my asthma is mild, I would assume that it has helped my asthma! I can tell my breathing rate has improved too.

What made you access our service?

As well as just wanting to stop in general, I had another motivation which was the fact I had braces put on for me teeth. I thought what better time than now to finally give up.

What advice would you give to someone considering using One You surrey?

DO IT. AND DO IT NOW! These people who help you on your journey are the most friendly, helpful, and approachable people. They DO NOT JUDGE you. Neeve, who helped me was fantastic and the encouragement she provided spurred me on even more.

I want to sign up!

One You Surrey is a free service, and with our expert help, you’re 3 times more likely to successfully quit.


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