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Tracie and Jack’s stop smoking story

Find out how Tracie quit smoking for her health and dog Jack

Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances, which is why going smokefree is no easy feat. Tracie and her dog, Jack, share their story of overcoming nicotine addiction using our service.

Previous quit attempts

I have tried many times to quit smoking but this time I believe that I am well on my way. Living on my own has not been easy. Jack my faithful canine companion is 12 years old. He was a rescue and has a difficult temperament with other dogs. Life has not been easy, and I have struggled with my mental health. At the worst of times, I was smoking between 40 and 50 cigarettes a day. I was on some hard-hitting antipsychotic drugs Olanzapine and Diazepam. I was always tired, had difficulty concentrating and was prone to mood swings and depression – nothing seemed to get any better.

More complications

Further tests showed that I had sleep apnea, a condition where stopped breathing for periods during the night.  Olanzapine and Diazepam which I had grown to rely on were stopped abruptly. I was given an external ventilator to use. The smell of the mask and the pressure pushing down was scary. It took some getting used to. There were times when I felt I was being suffocated and just wanted to pull it off. It took a lot of getting used to. My health had always been a worry not knowing what was wrong or how to manage it.

What helped Tracie the most

One thing that did help was giving up the cigarettes. My breathing was suddenly easier. I have had a few attempts in the past where a stressful situation has led me back to smoking. I feel I have come so far and am in a better place. Champix didn’t suit me I have tried different treatments; the patches and gum make me more confident.

Tracie’s top tips for success

Attending the sessions every week, seeing my CO measurement drop from 50 to 2.
Read here about Carbon Monoxide Readings

The Health Benefits; My sense of taste and smell have improved. I have more energy.
Read here about what you could expect when quitting smoking

The money that I am saving is astounding £7,300 over a year.
Find out much you could save using our service here

Having support by way of my Mum and my Stop Smoking Advisor.

What about your dog Jack?

Something that I didn’t think about was how much Jack was affected by my passive smoking. He has a long nose and for dogs such as him, it can cause sinus problems. For dogs with shorter noses such as Pugs, it can cause lung cancer.

The toxins remain on the soft furnishings and in the carpet long after and can be picked up and ingested when they groom themselves. Nicotine is poisonous to pets. Mum helped me clean and decorate my flat.


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